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This component is complete and can be used. The interfaces will be supported until the function is removed from the project via the deprecation process. There will be ongoing extensions to this function, but it will be done to ensure backward compatibility as far as possible. If there is a need to break backward compatibility, this will be discussed and reviewed in the community, with a documented timeline.

Display Integrator Open Metadata Integration Service (OMIS)

The Display Integrator OMIS supports the exchange of displayed data such as reports and forms along with their related schema and connection information between an external system supporting the data display and the open metadata ecosystem.

It supports a type of integration connector that are able to create assets representing forms, reports and queries along with their associated display schema .

Forms and Reports

Figure 1 shows the types of metadata for forms and reports that integrators connectors can create with this integration service.

Figure 1 - Form

Figure 1 - Report

Figure 1: Forms and Reports metadata supported by the Display Integrator OMIS

Either can be represented as a set of nested DataContainers with specific input and output DataFields use to represent the individual data items.


Integrators connectors can also create queries that support forms and reports with this integration service. Figure 2 shows the types of metadata for the queries.

Figure 2 - InformationView

Figure 2: Query metadata supported by the Display Integrator OMIS

Queries can also be represented as a set of nested data containers and data fields.

Open Metadata Types

Figure 3 shows the open metadata types used to represent the metadata for forms, reports and queries created through this service.

Figure 3 - Form

Figure 3 - Report

Figure 2 - InformationView

Figure 3: Form and Report open metadata types supported by the Display Integrator OMIS

The principle asset types are Form, Report and InformationView for forms, reports and queries respectively.

If a SoftwareServerCapability such as an Application or ReportingEngine is defined, any asset created is automatically linked to it using the ServerAssetUse relationship.

When a DataContainer is created for a report or a form, it is represented as a DisplayDataContainer entity. DataFields are created as DisplayDataField entities.

The DataContainers and DataFields for a queries are represented as QueryDataContainer and QueryDataField respectively.

All of these types are subtypes of schema attributes that the TypeEmbeddedAttribute classification method for defining the schema type.

The different subtypes enable metadata searches to narrow the results to this type of display metadata.

When a data container or a data field is attached to a form or report asset, the service automatically inserts the AssetSchemaType relationship, DisplaySchemaType entity and AttributeForSchema relationship in between the asset entity and the data container/field entity if not already in place.

Similarly, the combination of AssetSchemaType relationship, QuerySchemaType entity and AttributeForSchema relationship is inserted between a query and a data container/field.

When a data field/container is nested inside another, it is linked to the structure using the NestedSchemaAttribute relationship.

This integration service is paired with the Data Manager OMAS.

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