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Lemmie Stage - DevOps Specialist


Age: 62

Skills: Automation, Containerized deployment of services.

Scope: IT – deploys new services and systems.


  • Lemmie is responsible for building and deploying containers with new systems and services. He is engaged in rolling out the Egeria technology at Coco Pharmaceuticals.
  • Lemmie works for Polly Tasker.


  • Two years ago, Lemmie started retraining from an IBM DataStage specialist to a DevOps engineer. The transition was initially difficult but now he is Coco Pharmaceuticals principle DevOps Engine. He likes to be a deep expert and is now confident in his ability to work with the DevOps technology.

  • He is keen to follow the cloud-first principles. The rollout of Egeria fits well with many of these principles - although he is a little uneasy that Data Scientists like Callie Quartile and Data Engineers like Peter Profile are able to configure the systems that Egeria talks to rather than encoding this in the container definitions.


  • New requirements for additional systems and container changes – everything else is filtered out.


  • Lemmie is very focused on what he does. If it is not DevOps then he is not interested. He is also very professional and is willing to argue with his colleagues if he feels that something is not being done according to best practices.


  • Deep focus on metadata and business user access to information. This is reflected in the way that Egeria is being rolled out at Coco Pharmaceuticals where data professionals are able to configure Egeria after it has been deployed.

Top challenges:

  • Security of the systems he deploys is a constant worry - particularly with new security exposures being discovered all the time.
  • Keeping up-to-date with the latest DevOps technology.
  • When Lemmie worked on DataStage, he was left alone to do the job the way he wanted. His new role is more mainstream and he sometimes has to justify what he is doing and make adjustments away from a perfect solution to satisfy a "business requirement". This can be difficult and frustrating for Lemmie, who often finds it difficult to explain why things should be done in a certain way.

Desired Outcome:

  • He would like to get all the IT systems and services onto the latest container technology with full automation and consistent software stacks.
  • He would like Polly and Erin Overview (Information Architect) to appreciate how vital he is to the business and realize how skilled he is.

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