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Green - Beginner sessions

Becoming an Egeria contributor

In this session, you will learn about how to be recognized as an Egeria Contributor by the Egeria community.

Becoming a Contributor

Watch the video to find out more:

What does it mean to be recognized as an Egeria contributor?

An Egeria Contributor is someone who has made multiple quality contributions to the Egeria community. This role is described in the Operations Guide.

Egeria badges

To recognise individuals who are established contributors to the Egeria project, the Egeria community is able to award Acclaim badges.

Test yourself

Using the material from the Egeria operations guide answer the following questions.

  • How many contributors are listed for the Egeria project?
  • What is the DCO?
  • How often do the maintainers create a release of Egeria?

End of Day 2

Congratulations you have completed all of the sessions in Day 2 of the Egeria Dojo.

Day 3 covers additional information for advocates and those wishing to become Egeria Maintainers.

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