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Technical preview

Technical preview function is in a state that it can be tried. The development is complete, there is documentation and there are samples, tutorials and hands-on labs as appropriate.

The community is looking for feedback on the function before declaring it stable. This feedback may result in changes to the external interfaces.

Asset Lineage Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS)


Asset Lineage is metadata access service (OMAS) that consolidates and exports lineage metadata for assets in a cohort. This is achieved by actively watching the cohort and discovering specific asset types and relationships to other assets or metadata elements.

Following asset types are considered:

  • DataStore (subtypes)
  • Process
  • DataSet

Asset Lineage OMAS then builds complex graph structures (sometimes we call this asset context) that are sent to an out topic address for further preservation and use with the Lineage Warehouse.

The above works well for scenario where metadata is actively shared on the cohort while it gets created. In different scenario, additional repository already pre-populated with existing metadata can join the cohort. Asset Lineage OMAS offers endpoint to handle this as well by allowing external system to request (or actively poll) and extract the metadata relevant for building lineage graph.

In all cases, Asset Lineage OMAS always relies on underlying Enterprise Repository Services OMRS subsystem to find and consolidate metadata by combining different elements available across the cohort.

User Guide

Most of the interaction with the Asset Lineage OMAS will be driven by the external tools called via the Integration Services (OMISs) like Database integrator or Files integrator.

When enabled in a Metadata Access Server, it subscribes to the enterprise cohort topic and uses following events triggers:

Relationship events that build lineage graph:

  • Lineage Mappings between Assets
  • Lineage Mappings between Schema Elements
  • Semantic Assignments between Glossary Terms and Schema Elements

Entity events to feed the changes assets that are crated or updated:

  • Data Stores
  • Processes

Interface choices

Out Topic Events

    "class": "LineageEntityEvent",
    "eventVersionId": 1,
    "assetLineageEventType": "UPDATE_ENTITY_EVENT",
    "lineageEntity": {
        "guid": "a8f71cfc-bd59-440e-afb9-9719d60a8fe3",
        "typeDefName": "Process",
        "createdBy": "cocoETLnpa",
        "updatedBy": "cocoETLnpa",
        "createTime": 1636326254855,
        "updateTime": 1636326255079,
        "version": 2,
        "metadataCollectionId": "9beaa80a-50d9-44ba-b2ae-18f2379c9aa4",
        "properties": {
            "displayName": "ConvertFileToCSV",
            "qualifiedName": "ConvertFileToCSV@CocoPharma/DataEngine/CocoETL",
            "description": "Process named 'ConvertFileToCSV' representing high level processing activity performed by CocoETL tool."
    "class": "LineageRelationshipEvent",
    "eventVersionId": 1,
    "assetLineageEventType": "NEW_RELATIONSHIP_EVENT",
    "lineageRelationship": {
        "guid": "aa2b43c5-eb9a-49bf-93fd-aeddf55812f3",
        "typeDefName": "LineageMapping",
        "createdBy": "cocoETLnpa",
        "updatedBy": null,
        "createTime": 1636326312659,
        "updateTime": null,
        "version": 1,
        "metadataCollectionId": "9beaa80a-50d9-44ba-b2ae-18f2379c9aa4",
        "properties": {},
        "sourceEntity": {
            "guid": "b117f8a5-deaf-47d1-80fe-15425b5b7f1f",
            "typeDefName": "DataFile",
            "createdBy": "cocoETLnpa",
            "updatedBy": null,
            "createTime": 1636326233314,
            "updateTime": null,
            "version": 1,
            "metadataCollectionId": null,
            "properties": {
                "qualifiedName": "file://secured/research/previous-clinical-trials/old-archive.dat@CocoPharma/DataEngine/CocoETL"
        "targetEntity": {
            "guid": "a8f71cfc-bd59-440e-afb9-9719d60a8fe3",
            "typeDefName": "Process",
            "createdBy": "cocoETLnpa",
            "updatedBy": "cocoETLnpa",
            "createTime": 1636326254855,
            "updateTime": 1636326255079,
            "version": 2,
            "metadataCollectionId": null,
            "properties": {
                "qualifiedName": "ConvertFileToCSV@CocoPharma/DataEngine/CocoETL"


Publish Entity

Find the entity by guid and publish the context for it

GET - Request lineage publish out for single entity (asset or term)


Publish Entities

Scan the cohort based on the given entity type and publish the contexts for the found entities to the out topic.

GET - Request lineage publish out for entity type (asset or term)


Publish Context

Find the entity by guid and publish the asset context for it. It applies for data tables and files.

GET - Request asset context


Out Topic Connection

Return the connection object for the Asset Lineage's OMAS's out topic.

GET - Output topic OCF connection



POST - Enable Asset Lineage OMAS with accessServiceOptions

With a request body like the following:

    "LineagePublisherBatchSize": 100,
    "LineageClassificationTypes": [

Detailed description of the properties

Property Description
LineagePublisherBatchSize Number of elements to be sent in a single event. This parameter is used to optimize event payload size and allow multiple elements to be grouped in a batch. Default is 1.
LineageClassificationTypes List of classification types considered while producing lineage events. The access service is always preconfigured with the default set listed in the example request body. Additional types can be added when necessary, they are always merged with the default set.

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