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Release 5.3 (March 2025)¶
These are DRAFT release notes. The notes will be updated until & when 5.3 is released
Open Metadata Types
- The ExternalId entity has a new attribute called externalInstanceTypeName to allow the capture of the type name of an instance from a third party system.
- A new entity type called SolutionActorRole allows new roles that interact with a solution to be modelled.
- A new relationship called SolutionComponentActor allows the Actors using a solution component to be identified.
- The SolutionComponent entity has a new attribute called solutionComponentType to allow the solution architect to distinguish between different types of components.
New View Service: Notification Manager OMVS
Notification Manager OMVS supports the management and querying of ToDos.
New Engine Service: Context Event OMES
Context Event OMES supports the running of Context Event Services.
New View Service: Data Discovery OMVS
Data Discovery OMVS supports the creation of data specs and saved searches.
New View Service: Reference Data OMVS
Reference Data OMVS supports the query and maintenance of code values and reference data.