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Release 5.3 (March 2025)¶
These are DRAFT release notes. The notes will be updated until & when 5.3 is released
Open Metadata Types
- The ExternalId entity has a new attribute called externalInstanceTypeName to allow the capture of the type name of an instance from a third party system.
- A new entity type called SolutionActorRole allows new roles that interact with a solution to be modelled.
- A new relationship called SolutionComponentActor allows the Actors using a solution component to be identified.
- The SolutionComponent entity has a new attribute called solutionComponentType to allow the solution architect to distinguish between different types of components.
- The InformationSupplyChain relationship has a new attribute called label for use in lineage graphs.
- The SolutionLinkingWire relationship has new attributes label and description for use in lineage graphs.
- The FileSystem classification has new attributes canonicalMountPoint and actualMountPoint for normalizing file path names in a heterogeneous open metadata ecosystem.
- A new relationship called DataMapping provides a dedicated relationship for fine-grained (column-level) lineage.
- Types GovernanceDomainDefinition, GovernanceDomainSet, GovernanceClassificationLevel, GovernanceClassificationSet, GovernanceStatusSet and GovernanceStatusLevel have been deprecated in favour of using standard valid metadata values.
New View Service: Solution Architect OMVS
Solution Architect OMVS supports the management and querying of Information Supply Chains and solution components.
New View Service: Classification Explorer OMVS
Classification Explorer OMVS supports enables the caller to issue queries to understand how metadata elements are linked and classified.
Increased resilience in error handling
Rename of Open Connector Framework Wrapper Beans
In order to distinguish the bean names used in the Open Connector Framework (OCF) from the beans used in the Open Metadata Framework (OMF), the Bean Wrapper classes of the OCF have been renamed as follows:
- ConnectionProperties -> ConnectionDetails
- ConnectorTypeProperties -> ConnectorTypeDetails
- EndpointProperties -> EndpointDetails
- EmbeddedConnectionProperties -> EmbeddedConnectionDetails
- RelatedAssetProperties -> RelatedAssetDetails
- ConnectedAssetProperties -> ConnectedAssetDetails
- VirtualConnectionProperties -> VirtualConnectionDetails
Removal of deprecated types and attributes
As Egeria has developed over the years, the type system has also evolved. This has meant that some of the original types have been deprecated in favour of new types. At this point in time, none of the egeria code (either in the Java runtime, samples or python pyegeria libraries) and so this is a good time to slim down the type system by removing the deprecated types and attributes. The following has been removed:
- GovernanceDomainDescription
- GovernanceDomainSet
- GovernanceClassificationLevel
- GovernanceClassificationSet
- GovernanceStatusSet
- GovernanceStatusLevel
- HostLocation
- ContentManager
- NamingConventionRule
- RelationalColumnType
- RuntimeForProcess
- SoftwareServerPlatformDeployment
- DeployedVirtualContainer
- HostNetwork
- SoftwareServerDeployment
- TermISATypeOFRelationship
- GlossaryTermEvolution
- HostOperatingPlatform
- DataStoreEncoding
- PersonalContribution
- AssetServerUse
- ProcessInput
- SoftwareServerSupportedCapability
- SchemaTypeSnippet
- EngineActionExecutor
- TabularColumnType
- DesignModelElementOwnership
- ProcessOutput
- ProjectScope
- SimpleDocumentType
- DesignModelGroupOwnership
- DesignModelGroupHierarchy
- StructDocumentType
- MapDocumentType
- KnownDuplicateLink
- BoundedSchemaType
- ArraySchemaType
- SetSchemaType
- BoundedSchemaElementType
- ArrayDocumentType
- SetDocumentType
- GovernanceConfidentialityLevel
- SubjectAreaGovernance
- ZoneGovernance
- RelationalView
- DerivedSchemaAttribute
- SchemaQueryImplementation
- DerivedRelationalColumn
- SchemaLinkElement
- LinkedType
- SchemaLinkToType
- GovernanceRoleAssignment
- BusinessCapabilityControls
- DigitalServiceImplementation
- InformationSupplyChainImplementation
- SolutionComponentImplementation
- ResponsibilityStaffContact
- AssetOwnership
- GroupedMedia
- IsATypeOfRelationship
- DataContentForDataSet