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Governance Action

A governance action describes an automated service that governs either metadata, or the digital resource it describes. A governance action is described either as a governance action type or a governance action process. It can be run by calling the open governance service included in any Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) or through the Automated Curation OMVS.

Governance Action was renamed to Engine Action in release 5.0

If you have been using Egeria for a while, you may be familiar with the term Governance Action as the mechanism used to control the execution of automated actions in the Engine Hosts. In release 5.0, Governance Action was renamed to Engine Action to create a greater name differentiation between the concepts that are used to define the governance behaviour and those used to control the execution of this behaviour. The term Governance Action is now used as a general term for a Governance Action Process or a Governance Action Type.

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