This component is complete and can be used. The interfaces will be supported until the function is removed from the project via the deprecation process. There will be ongoing extensions to this function, but it will be done to ensure backward compatibility as far as possible. If there is a need to break backward compatibility, this will be discussed and reviewed in the community, with a documented timeline.
Collection Manager OMVS¶
The Collection Manager Open Metadata View Services (OMVS) is a REST API designed to back user interfaces (UIs) that support the maintenance and browsing of hierarchies of collections and their members.
Collections are used to organize elements. Elements (including other collections) are linked to a collection to show that they are a member of the collection. An element can be a member of none, one or multiple collections.
There are different types of collections that are identified by their classifications and collectionType property. These are some examples:
- Root Collection - A root collection is the root node of a hierarchy of collections. Its members are typically other collections.
- Folder - a folder is a collection that is part of a collection hierarchy structure. It may have members that are collections and/or other types of elements.
- Digital Product - A digital product is a collection of assets that have been especially crafted to support a specific use case (or related use cases). The assets may represent different versions of the product or customized versions of the same data for different purposed, or supporting different non-functional requirements.
The Collection Manager OMVS supports:
- The creation and maintenance of the properties associated with a collection. New collections can be created using another collection as a template.
- The management of the members of a collection.
- The attachment of a collection as a resource of an entity such as a project, community or user's profile.
- The ability to create a collection using another collection as a template.
- The ability to search collections, with or without particular classifications and properties and navigate through a collection's membership.
Managing collection entities¶
When working with collections, there are 4 concepts that you need to keep in mind:
- Which elements, if any, is the collection linking to. These elements are called the parent elements.
- Is the collection its own anchor or is it anchored to another element.
- What values should be assigned to it attributes.
- Which classifications should be added to the collection to indicate its purpose and usage.
createCollection (no parent relationship)¶
This first example of a create request is for a collection that is its own anchor and is to be created without a parent. The placeholder property {{classificationName}}
is set to a valid classification name for the collection.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections?classificationName={{classificationName}}
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"isOwnAnchor" : true,
"collectionProperties": {
"class" : "CollectionProperties",
"qualifiedName": "Must provide a unique name here",
"name" : "Add display name here",
"description" : "Add description of the collection here",
"collectionType": "Add appropriate valid value for type"
createCollection (with parent)¶
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"anchorGUID" : "anchor GUID, if set then isOwnAnchor=false",
"isOwnAnchor" : false,
"parentGUID" : "parent GUID, if set, set all parameters beginning 'parent'",
"parentRelationshipTypeName" : "open metadata type name",
"parentAtEnd1": true,
"collectionProperties": {
"class" : "CollectionProperties",
"qualifiedName": "Must provide a unique name here",
"name" : "Add display name here",
"description" : "Add description of the collection here",
"collectionType": "Add appropriate valid value for type"
Create a new collection with the RootCollection classification. Used to identify the top of a collection hierarchy.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/root-collection
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"anchorGUID" : "anchor GUID, if set then isOwnAnchor=false",
"isOwnAnchor" : false,
"parentGUID" : "parent GUID, if set, set all parameters beginning 'parent'",
"parentRelationshipTypeName" : "open metadata type name",
"parentAtEnd1": true,
"collectionProperties": {
"class" : "CollectionProperties",
"qualifiedName": "Must provide a unique name here",
"name" : "Add display name here",
"description" : "Add description of the collection here",
"collectionType": "Add appropriate valid value for type"
Create a new collection with the DataSpec classification. Used to identify a collection of data fields and schema types.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/data-spec-collection
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"anchorGUID" : "anchor GUID, if set then isOwnAnchor=false",
"isOwnAnchor" : false,
"parentGUID" : "parent GUID, if set, set all parameters beginning 'parent'",
"parentRelationshipTypeName" : "open metadata type name",
"parentAtEnd1": true,
"collectionProperties": {
"class" : "CollectionProperties",
"qualifiedName": "Must provide a unique name here",
"name" : "Add display name here",
"description" : "Add description of the collection here",
"collectionType": "Add appropriate valid value for type"
Create a new collection with the Folder classification. This is used to identify the organizing collections in a collection hierarchy.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/folder
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"class" : "NewCollectionRequestBody",
"anchorGUID" : "anchor GUID, if set then isOwnAnchor=false",
"isOwnAnchor" : false,
"parentGUID" : "parent GUID, if set, set all parameters beginning 'parent'",
"parentRelationshipTypeName" : "open metadata type name",
"parentAtEnd1": true,
"collectionProperties": {
"class" : "CollectionProperties",
"qualifiedName": "Must provide a unique name here",
"name" : "Add display name here",
"description" : "Add description of the collection here",
"collectionType": "Add appropriate valid value for type",
"collectionOrdering" : "OTHER",
"orderPropertyName" : "Add property name if 'collectionOrdering' is OTHER"
Create a new metadata element to represent a collection using an existing metadata element as a template. The template defines additional classifications and relationships that should be added to the new collection.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/from-template
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"class": "TemplateRequestBody",
"anchorGUID": "anchor GUID, if set then isOwnAnchor=false",
"isOwnAnchor": false,
"parentGUID": "parent GUID, if set, set all parameters beginning 'parent'",
"parentRelationshipTypeName": "open metadata type name",
"parentAtEnd1": true,
"templateGUID": "template GUID",
"replacementProperties": {
"class": "ElementProperties",
"propertyValueMap" : {
"propertyName" : {
"class": "PrimitiveTypePropertyValue",
"typeName": "string",
"primitiveTypeCategory" : "OM_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_STRING",
"primitiveValue" : "value of property"
"placeholderPropertyValues" : {
"placeholderProperty1Name" : "property1Value",
"placeholderProperty2Name" : "property2Value"
Update the properties of a collection.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/{{collectionGUID}}/update?replaceAllProperties=false
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"class" : "CollectionProperties",
"qualifiedName": "Must provide a unique name here",
"name" : "Add display name here",
"description" : "Add description of the collection here",
"collectionType": "Add appropriate valid value for type"
Delete a collection. It is detected from all parent elements. If members are anchored to the collection then they are also deleted.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/{{collectionGUID}}/delete
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"class" : "NullRequestBody"
Managing digital products¶
Create a new collection that represents a digital product. Note: the three dates: introductionDate, nextVersionDate and withdrawDate must be valid dates if specified, otherwise you will get a 400 error response. The valid values for productStatus are: DRAFT, PREPARED, PROPOSED, APPROVED, REJECTED, APPROVED_CONCEPT, UNDER_DEVELOPMENT, DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE, APPROVED_FOR_DEPLOYMENT, ACTIVE, DISABLED, DEPRECATED, OTHER.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/digital-products
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"class" : "NewDigitalProductRequestBody",
"isOwnAnchor" : true,
"parentGUID" : "xxx",
"parentRelationshipTypeName" : "CollectionMembership",
"parentAtEnd1": true,
"collectionProperties": {
"class" : "CollectionProperties",
"qualifiedName": "DigitalProduct:Add product name here",
"name" : "=Product contents",
"description" : "Add description of the contents of the product",
"collectionType": "Digital Product"
"digitalProductProperties" : {
"class" : "DigitalProductProperties",
"productStatus" : "DRAFT",
"productName" : "Add product name here",
"productType" : "Periodic Delta",
"description" : "Add description of product and its expected usage here",
"maturity" : "Add valid value here",
"serviceLife" : "Add the estimated lifetime of the product",
"introductionDate" : "date",
"nextVersionDate": "date",
"withdrawDate": "date",
"currentVersion": "V0.1",
"additionalProperties": {
"property1Name" : "property1Value",
"property2Name" : "property2Value"
Update the properties of the DigitalProduct classification attached to a collection.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/digital-products/{{digitalProductGUID}}/update?replaceAllProperties=false
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"class" : "DigitalProductProperties",
"productStatus" : "ACTIVE",
"productName" : "Add product name here",
"productType" : "Periodic Delta",
"description" : "Add description of product and its expected usage here",
"introductionDate" : "date",
"maturity" : "Add valid value here",
"serviceLife" : "Add the estimated lifetime of the product",
"currentVersion": "V1.0",
"nextVersionDate": "date",
"withdrawDate": "date",
"additionalProperties": {
"property1Name" : "property1Value",
"property2Name" : "property2Value"
Managing collection members¶
Referenceable elements can be added as members to a collection using the CollectionMembership relationship. These membership relationships can be maintained manually by people, or by automated services (typically governance services). The attributes of the CollectionMembership relationship are optional, but important where the reasons for the membership, and the confidence of whether it is valid, need to be actively managed. The properties are:
- The membershipRationale attribute describes why the member is part of the collection.
- The expression attribute indicates the expression used to decide on the membership. This is typically set up by automated processes to identify the rule they used to determine the membership.
- The confidence attribute indicates how confident that the membership is correct.
- The createdBy attribute is the identifier of the process or person that created (curated) the relationship. This is useful for identifying the instance of a process that created the membership relationship or the curator if they are different from the steward.
- The source attribute describes the source of information that identified this membership.
- The steward attribute identifies the person that is accountable for the correctness of this membership relationship.
- The stewardTypeName attribute identifies the type of element (such as UserIdentity, Person, PersonRole) that is responsible for the correctness of this relationship.
- The stewardPropertyName attribute identifies the property (such as guid or qualifiedName) used to identify the steward.
- The notes attribute enables the steward to add additional information about this relationship.
- The status attribute indicates the status of the member in the collection. It is a MembershipStatus value.
- The userDefinedStatus provides a status value when status=OTHER.
The Collection Manager OMVS has operations to add and remove members from the collection and also update the membership properties.
Add an element to a collection. The request body is optional. The variable elementGUID
is the unique identifier of the element that is to be a member of the collection.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/{{collectionGUID}}/members/{{elementGUID}}/attach
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"class" : "CollectionMembershipProperties",
"membershipRationale": "xxx",
"createdBy": "user id here",
"expression": "expression that described why the element is a part of this collection",
"confidence": 100,
"status": "PROPOSED",
"userDefinedStatus": "Add valid value here",
"steward": "identifier of steward that validated this member",
"stewardTypeName": "type name of element identifying the steward",
"stewardPropertyName": "property name if the steward's identifier",
"source": "source of the member",
"notes": "Add notes here"
Update an element's membership to a collection.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/{{collectionGUID}}/members/{{elementGUID}}/update?replaceAllProperties=false
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"class" : "CollectionMembershipProperties",
"membershipRationale": "xxx",
"createdBy": "user id here",
"expression": "expression that described why the element is a part of this collection",
"confidence": 100,
"status": "PROPOSED",
"userDefinedStatus": "Add valid value here",
"steward": "identifier of steward that validated this member",
"stewardTypeName": "type name of element identifying the steward",
"stewardPropertyName": "property name if the steward's identifier",
"source": "source of the member",
"notes": "Add notes here"
Remove an element from a collection.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/{{collectionGUID}}/members/{{elementGUID}}/detach
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"class" : "NullRequestBody"
Return a list of elements that are a member of a collection.
GET {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/{{collectionGUID}}/members?startFrom=0&pageSize=0
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Attaching a collection as a resource¶
The ResourceList relationship links a referenceable element to an element that represent a useful resource. The relationship has four properties:
- resourceUse - how should the resource be used.
- resourceUseDescription - a description of the resource use.
- resourceUseProperties - additional properties needed when using the resource.
- watchResource - a boolean flag indicating whether changes to the resource should be reported to the linked from element. To have an effect, a governance service needs to be running to honour the request.
Collection Manager OMVS has an operation to attach a collection as a resource, detach it, and search for collections linked to an element as a resource.
Connect an existing collection to an element using the ResourceList relationship.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/metadata-elements/{{parentGUID}}/collections/{{collectionGUID}}/attach?makeAnchor=false
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"class" : "ResourceListProperties",
"resourceUse" : "Add valid value here",
"resourceUseDescription" : "Add description here",
"watchResource" : false,
"resourceUseProperties": {
"property1Name" : "property1Value",
"property2Name" : "property2Value"
Detach an existing collection from an element. If the collection is anchored to the element, it is deleted.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/metadata-elements/{{parentGUID}}/collections/{{collectionGUID}}/detach
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"class" : "NullRequestBody"
Retrieving collections¶
Returns the list of collections with a particular classification. These classifications are typically "RootCollection", "Folder" or "DigitalProduct".
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/by-classifications?startFrom=0&pageSize=0
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"filter" : ""
Returns the list of collections matching the search string.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/by-search-string?startFrom=0&pageSize=0&startsWith=false&endsWith=false&ignoreCase=true
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"filter" : "Data Product Development Journey"
Returns the list of collections with a particular name.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/by-name?startFrom=0&pageSize=0
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"filter" : "DataJourneyProject:Data Acquisition Journey:{{projectName}}:ActivityFolder:Potential Data Sources"
Returns the list of collections with a particular collectionType. This is an optional text field in the collection element.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/by-collection-type?startFrom=0&pageSize=0
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"filter" : ""
Return the properties of a specific collection.
GET {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/collections/{{collectionGUID}}
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Returns the list of collections that are linked off of the supplied element.
POST {{baseURL}}/servers/{{viewServer}}/api/open-metadata/collection-manager/metadata-elements/{{parentGUID}}/collections?startFrom=0&pageSize=0
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
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