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Entity Delete Profile

The performance of programmatically soft-deleting an existing entity instance.

The Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) interface for a metadata repository defines an optional method for deleting entity instances:

Method Description
deleteEntity soft-deletes the current version of an entity
ID Description
repository-entity-delete-performance-deleteEntity See (2) in detailed logic below.
repository-entity-purge-performance-deleteEntity See detailed logic of entity purge profile.

For every entity type supported by the technology under test, this profile does the following (in order):

  1. Searches for instancesPerType entities of that type. (This uses findEntitiesByProperty with a condition on metadataCollectionId and its performance is recorded as part of the entity search profile.)
  2. For each of these entity instances, deleteEntity is called to soft-delete it.


So, for example, if the technology under test supports 50 entity types, and the instancesPerType parameter is set to 100, then this profile will soft-delete 50 (types) x 100 (instances per type) = 5000 entities. (And it will run findEntitiesByProperty 50 times.)

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