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Server Security Connection Section

This section applies to all types of servers.

Configure the server security connector

Metadata that is being aggregated from different sources is likely to need comprehensive access controls.

Egeria provides fine-grained security control for metadata access. It is implemented in a server metadata security connector that is called whenever requests are made for to the server.

Security is configured for a specific OMAG Server by adding a connection for this connector to the server's configuration documentusing the following command.

POST - configure security connector


This passes in a connection used to create the server security connector in the request body.

    "class": "Connection",
    "connectorType": {
        "class": "ConnectorType",
        "connectorProviderClassName": "{fullyQualifiedJavaClassName}"
Example: set up the sample server security connector

For example, this is the connection that would set up the sample server security connector provided for the Coco Pharmaceuticals case study:

    "class": "Connection",
    "connectorType": {
        "class": "ConnectorType",
        "connectorProviderClassName": "org.odpi.openmetadata.metadatasecurity.samples.OpenMetadataServerSecurityProvider"

Determine configured security

GET - query the server security connector setting

Response indicating no security
    "class": "ConnectionResponse",
    "relatedHTTPCode": 200
Response indicating a specific security connector

If the response looks more like the JSON below, a connector is configured. The connectorProviderClassName tells you which connector is being used.

    "class": "ConnectionResponse",
    "relatedHTTPCode": 200,
    "connection": {
        "class": "Connection",
        "connectorType": {
            "class": "ConnectorType",
            "connectorProviderClassName": "{fullyQualifiedJavaClassName}"

Remove configured security

DELETE - remove configured security connector


This removes all authorization checking from the server.

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