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Entity Re-Home Profile

The performance of programmatically changing the home repository of an existing entity instance.

The Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) interface for a metadata repository defines an optional method for changing the home repository of entity instances:

Method Description
reHomeEntity changes the home repository of an entity
ID Description
repository-entity-re-home-performance-reHomeEntity See (2) in detailed logic below.

For every entity type supported by the technology under test, this profile does the following (in order):

  1. Searches for instancesPerType reference copy entity GUIDs of that type. (This uses findEntitiesByProperty with a condition on metadataCollectionId and its performance is recorded as part of the entity search profile.)
  2. For each of these entity GUIDs, reHomeEntity is called to change the home repository to the technology under test's metadataCollectionId.


So, for example, if the technology under test supports 50 entity types, and the instancesPerType parameter is set to 100, then this profile will re-home 50 (types) x 100 (instances per type) = 5000 entities. (And it will run findEntitiesByProperty 50 times.)

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