This component is complete and can be used. The interfaces will be supported until the function is removed from the project via the deprecation process. There will be ongoing extensions to this function, but it will be done to ensure backward compatibility as far as possible. If there is a need to break backward compatibility, this will be discussed and reviewed in the community, with a documented timeline.
Using the Community Profile OMAS¶
The Community Profile OMAS is designed to cover many of the administrative tasks relating to managing information about people, teams and communities.
Most of the interaction with the Community Profile OMAS will be driven by individuals.
All users will be able to manage their personal profile and lists of favourite assets, projects and communities.
All users will be able to manage any to dos that have been assigned to them.
All users will be able to create a community and administer it. This includes managing members, the communities resources and the notifications sent to the members.
All users can also query the communities and teams they are a member of.
All users will be able to search for people, teams and communities.
There is also support for an administrator to create and delete personal profiles as individuals join and leave the organization and also manage the organization's departmental structure. The assumption is that the organization already has at least one system that manages this information, and so Community Profile OMAS is designed to be integrated with existing systems in order to keep the profiles and departmental structure up-to-date.
Below are the list of tasks supported by the Community Profile OMAS.
One time set up by the administrator¶
Many organizations already have a system that maintains information about their employees and/or customers and/or business partners. The Community Profile OMAS therefore supports an event exchange with such a system to keep the profiles synchronized. The following tasks cover the work of the IT team to integrate the Community Profile OMAS with other systems.
- Loading personal profiles of existing members of an organization into an open metadata repository.
- Synchronizing updates to personal profiles from another system
- Loading the organization's departmental structure into an open metadata repository.
- Synchronizing the organization's departmental structure with another system
- Capturing karma point plateaus emitted from the Community Profile OMAS OutTopic.
- Synchronizing collaboration activity with another system
Loading personal profiles¶
Loading the personal profiles of existing members of an organization.
Synchronizing personal profiles¶
Loading departmental structures¶
Loading an organization's departmental structure.
Synchronizing collaboration activity with another system¶
Synchronizing Departmental Structure¶
Individuals working with their personal profile¶
A personal profile provides a place for an individual to share information about themselves with the other people they are collaborating with.
Each personal profile is associated with one or more of the person's userIds. It is retrieved using one of these userIds.
For organizations where the personal profile is not loaded from another system (see above) an individual can maintain their own profile.
Once an individual has a personal profile, they will be awarded karma points when they contribute content to open metadata. An individual can query their karma points.
The individual can also maintain collections of their favourite Assets, Projects and Communities and control notifications about changes to the contents of these lists.
- Accessing my favorite assets
- Managing my favorite assets
- Accessing my favorite projects
- Managing my favorite projects
- Accessing my favorite communities
- Managing my favorite communities.
An individual can link other resources such as glossaries, and external references to their profile.
- Finding resources
- Accessing my resource list
- Managing my resource list
- Accessing my external reference list
- Managing my external reference list
An individual can create a series of personal notes. These are like a personal blog. They are visible to other users who can comment on and review the content.
- Setting up my personal notes
- Accessing my personal notes
- Removing my personal notes
- Adding a personal note
- Updating a personal note
- Removing a personal note
An individual can query the teams and communities they belong to.
An individual can access an manage a list of close colleagues called their peer network.
An individual can query their roles in the organization and any actions (to dos) that have been assigned to them as part of one of these roles.
An individual can add feedback to their profile and others (see below).
Providing feedback and content to personal profiles¶
An individual can send a personal message to themselves, or another user. This message is attached to the recipient's profile.
- Sending a personal message
- Replying to a personal message
- Updating a personal message
- Removing a personal message
It is possible to add comments, likes and reviews to a personal note.
- Adding a comment to a personal note
- Updating a comment to a personal note
- Removing my comment from a personal note
- Adding a review to a personal note
- Updating my review to a personal note
- Removing my review from a personal note
- Adding a like to a personal note
- Removing a like from a personal note
It is possible to create and attach tags to personal profiles, personal notes, and comments either for your personal profile or someone else's.
- Finding existing tags
- Accessing resources attached to a tag
- Accessing my tags
- Creating a tag
- Attaching a tag
- Detaching my tag
- Detaching a tag from a resource
- Deleting my private tag
- Deleting public tags
Individuals searching for other people and teams¶
Below are different ways to locate people in the organization.
- Finding a Person
- Querying another's personal profile
- Navigating the Departmental Structure
- Finding a Team
- Accessing my teams
- Viewing Leaders of a Team
- Viewing Members of a Team
Communities collect together resources, best practices and ideas for a group of people who are collaborating on a specific topic or skill.
Anyone can create a community.
The person creating the community is the community leader. They can then add other people as community members with different community roles.
Community leaders and administrators can remove inappropriate content from a community and close it.
- Removing a comment from a community
- Removing a note from a community
- Removing a review from a community
- Removing a resource from a community
- Closing a community
Individuals can locate and connect with a community.
- Finding the communities I am a member of
- Finding a community
- Querying a community
- Watching a community
- Joining a community
- Leaving a community
Once someone is a member of a community they can add content to it.
- Adding a comment to a community
- Replying to a community comment
- Removing my comment from a community
- Adding a resource to a community
- Creating a community forum
- Adding a contribution to a community forum
- Removing my contribution from a community forum
Community content can have feedback attached in the form of tags, reviews and likes.
- Attaching feedback to a community
- Attaching feedback to a community comment
- Attaching feedback to a community forum
- Attaching feedback to a community forum contribution
Individual commands¶
Accessing a useful resource list¶
It is possible to maintain a list of useful resources with a personal profile, a team or a community.
First locate the unique identifier (guid) of the element acting as an anchor for the resource.
Accessing an external references list¶
Accessing my communities¶
Accessing my external references¶
Accessing my favorite assets¶
Accessing my favorite communities¶
Accessing my favorite projects¶
Accessing my peer network¶
Accessing my personal roles¶
Accessing my resource list¶
Accessing my roles¶
Accessing my informal tags¶
Tags provide an informal way of identifying particular types of resources.
Accessing the team I am a member of¶
Accessing my to dos¶
Accessing tagged resources¶
Adding a comment¶
Maybe to a community, community forum contribution
Adding a comment to a community¶
Can be added to the community, or to a a forum contribution.
Adding a comment to a personal note¶
Can add to personal note linked to your profile or someone else's.
Adding a Contribution to a Community Forum¶
Adding a like to a personal note¶
Can add like to personal note linked to your profile or someone else's.
Adding a new community member¶
Adding a personal note¶
Adding a resource to a resource list¶
Adding a review to a personal note¶
Can add to personal note linked to your profile or someone else's.
Attaching a tag to a resource¶
Attaching feedback to a community¶
Attaching feedback to a community comment¶
Attaching feedback to a community forum¶
Attaching feedback to a community forum contribution¶
Capturing karma point plateaus¶
Changing a community member role¶
Closing a community¶
Creating a community¶
Creating a community forum¶
Creating a tag¶
Creating a to do¶
Creating my personal profile¶
If your organization has not already created a personal profile for you then it is possible to create the profile yourself.
The information that you will need is as follows. Many of the fields are optional but the more information that you supply, the easier it will be for people to locate you.
- qualified name - this is a unique identifier for you - for example if you are an employee of the organization then use your employee number.
- name - this is the name that you want to be known by.
- full name - this is your full legal name. This is optional.
- job title - this is also optional.
- job description - this is a short paragraph describing what your role is. It is optional.
- contact details such as email address, phone number social media account.
See also¶
Design note¶
The Community Profile OMAS will emit an event whenever a new profile is created using this approach
Detaching a tag from a resource¶
Find the resource and detach the tag.
Detaching my tag from a resource¶
Finding a community¶
Finding a person¶
Finding a resource¶
Finding a tag¶
Find request, then browse results. Then query?
Finding a team¶
Joining a community¶
Add a to do on community administrators
Leaving a community¶
Add a to-do on a community administrator
Managing an action (to do)¶
Managing my contact details¶
Managing my external references¶
Managing my favorite assets¶
Managing my favorite communities¶
Managing my favorite projects¶
Managing my peer network¶
Managing my resource List¶
Navigating the departmental structure of an organization¶
Querying a community¶
Querying anothers personal profile¶
Removing a comment from a community¶
Removing a community member¶
Removing a community note¶
Removing a community resource¶
Removing a contribution from a forum¶
Removing a like¶
This is from anything
Removing a personal message¶
Removing a personal note¶
Removing a review¶
Can do if own the thing review is being removed from.
Removing a public tag¶
Can do it if not attached to anything
Removing my comment from a community¶
Removing my comment from a personal note¶
Removing my like from a personal note¶
Removing my personal notes¶
Removing my personal profile¶
Removing my review¶
Can do if own the review.
Removing my tag¶
Replying to a comment¶
Replying to a personal message¶
Retrieving my karma points¶
If an individual has a Personal profile the Community Profile OMAS will reward him/her whenever they contribute to open metadata. These rewards are in the form of karma points.
The Community Profile OMAS is responsible for maintaining the count of the karma points. It does this by listening to the metadata changes occurring in the metadata repositories and updates the personal profile of each user making a contribution.
The Community Profile OMAS provides a method/operation to allow an individual to retrieve their current karma point total.
The access service option property KarmaPointPlateau indicates the multiple of karma points for an individual that results in an external event being published - the default is 500. This means that when an individual gets to 500 karma points, and event is sent, and other event is sent when they get to 1000 karma points and so on. These events can be used to trigger additional recognition activities for the individuals concerned.
Retrieving my personal profile¶
Every user accessing the open metadata ecosystem has a unique user identity (userId). This identity is used for authentication, authorization and auditing of activity related to open metadata and governance.
Optionally a user identity can be associated with a personal profile. This provides information about the user behind the userId and aims to improve collaboration across the organization.
If you do not have a personal profile¶
An organization can choose to load personal profiles automatically Alternatively, it can be left to the individual to create their own personal profile.
Sending a personal message¶
Link through to adding a comment or separate method?
Setting up my personal notes¶
Updating a comment¶
Updating a personal message¶
Updating a personal note¶
Updating my personal profile¶
Include adding another userId to the profile
See also¶
Updating my review¶
Viewing leaders of a team¶
Viewing members of a team¶
Watching a community¶
Add yourself as an observer.
Raise an issue or comment below