0012 - Search Keywords¶
Some Referenceable`s such as GlossaryTerms have a lot of text in their definitions, making them easy to find using search strings. Asset definitions, on the other hand, typically have less text. Even the schema associated with the asset might only contain technical terms, and they are often abbreviated. The result is that assets can be hard for consumers to find.
It is possible to link assets and schemas to glossary terms to make them findable by association. However, this linkage is a formal semantic relationship. Consumers of the assets can add InformalTags to the assets and schemas, but only once they have found them. The search keywords provide a mechanism to allow the asset owner to tag the asset - and linked elements such as the schema - with a variety of keywords that can be matched during a search. These keywords are anchored to asset. This helps to boost relevant assets to the top of the search results.
The SearchKeyword entity stores the definition of the search keyword.
The SearchKeywordLink relationship links SearchKeywords with the asset and their associated elements.
Further information
Search keywords can be added manually through the Asset Owner OMAS. Some files such as documents and photos may have keywords embedded in them. These can be automatically discovered through metadata discovery and stored in their corresponding asset properties using these same search keyword elements.
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