0735 Solution Ports and Wires¶
Solution components need well-defined interfaces. These may be APIs or other types of request and information exchange mechanisms such as eventing.
The interfaces for a solution component are defined using a SolutionPort entity. Each port represents the interface for a particular type of consumer. The port may offer multiple technology mechanisms (APIs, events, ...) to the consumer. However, if these mechanisms are used for different purposes, they are better represented as different ports.
The structure of the requests/data provided by the port can be expressed as a schema using the SolutionPortSchema relationship. The actual implementation of the interface is expressed by an Asset that is linked to the port by the ImplementedBy relationship.
The SolutionLinkingWire shows the linkage between solution components via their ports to other elements in the architecture. The informationSupplyChainSegmentGUIDs property allows linkage to the information supply chains that identify critical data flows for the organization. Each identified information supply chain segment typically comes from a different information supply chain. The label and description attributes help to explain how/why the lineage flow progresses.
Solution components can be decomposed into smaller solution components. The SolutionPortDelegation relationship shows which ports in the parent solution components map to the ports of the solution components it is decomposed into.
The diagram below shows a set of linked solution components and their linkage to the assets that implement them.
Further information
- The implementation of this information supply chain is build out in the Automated Curation Open Metadata Lab.
- More detail on the modelling of the information supply chain implemented by these solution components can be found in 0720 Information Supply Chains.
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