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0090 Cloud Platforms and Services

The cloud platforms and services model shows that cloud computing is not so different from what we have been doing before. Cloud infrastructure and services are classified as such to show that the organization is not completely in control of the technology supporting their data and processes.



The CloudProvider is the organization that provides and runs the infrastructure for a cloud service. Typically, the host it offers is actually a HostCluster.

The cloud provider may offer infrastructure as a service (IaaS), in which case, an organization can deploy VirtualContainers onto the cloud provider's HostCluster.


The CloudPlatform classification indicates that a SoftwareServerPlatform is running in a cloud service. The deployedImplementationType attribute describes the class of technology that describes the cloud platform implementation. Values for the deployedImplementationType attribute can be managed for consistency in a deployed implementation type valid value set. If the cloud provider is offering platform as a service (PaaS), an application may deploy software servers and software capabilities onto the CloudPlatform.


The CloudService classification indicates that a SoftwareServerCapability If the cloud provider is offering Software as a Service (SaaS) then it has provided APIs backed by pre-deployed software capability that an organization can call as a CloudService.

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