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Python Widgets

The Python Widgets are a collection of examples that provide some simple but useful visualization of an Egeria environment. They are built with the Rich python package and demonstrate the use of pyegeria . They are installed with pyegeria python client and may be used either as python scripts or called directly. The source code for the widgets can be found in the pyegeria github repository at Pyegeria Widgets.

As the number of widgets has grown, they have been organized by role into different sub-directories within the pyegeria distribution.

  • catalog_user - for users of the Egeria environment
  • developer - for those building with, or working on Egeria
  • operational - for visualizing the current state of Egeria - typically for administrators
  • personal_organizer - for visualizing work and individual items

The naming convention for the widgets helps to understand their behaviour. When the widget starts with:

  • get - it will return details about a single item
  • list - lists elements through a paging interface like "more" - use q to quit.
  • view - provides a live view - typically of a status - use control-c to quit


The pyegeria Egeria Python client can be installed from pypi . Python version 3.10 and above is a pre-requisite. One common way to install Python packages is with the pip command. So to install pyegeria you can execute:

pip install pyegeria

This will install pyegeria and all of its required packages.


Once pyegeria is installed. The widgets may be invoked from a terminal window or shell either as a command or as a python script. To start a widget as a command, just type its full name at the command prompt. For instance, typing:

Will display a table showing the status of all running Egeria OMAG Server platforms.


Widgets can also be invoked directly if you are in the same folder as the widget (or the widgets are on the python search path).


All of the widgets have optional command line arguments. You can see them by setting the --h help flag.

widget help

Most of the widgets allow you to specify an Egeria OMAG Platform, Server (usually a view server), and user identity. If not specified, default values will use the Egeria default configuration with:

  • platform = "https://localhost:9443"
  • server = "view-server"
  • user id = a user, such as erinoverview from the ficticious Coco Pharmaceuticals environment.

License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the Egeria project.

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