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View Services Section

This section is only relevant when configuring a view server.

Configure the view services

Open Metadata View Services (OMVSs) provide task-oriented, domain-specific REST API services for user interfaces, and other non-Java programming environments, such as python, that integrate with the open metadata ecosystem. The view services call a metadata access server to send and retrieve metadata.

To get a description of each of the view services that are supported by an OMAG Server Platform, list the registered view services.

List registered view services

The registered view services for an OMAG Server Platform are the view services whose implementation is included in the platform's classpath:

GET - list registered view services

Response from listing registered view services
    "class": "RegisteredOMAGServicesResponse",
    "relatedHTTPCode": 200,
    "services": [
            "serviceId": 800,
            "serviceName": "Glossary Author OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "IN_DEVELOPMENT",
            "serviceURLMarker": "glossary-author",
            "serviceDescription": "View Service for glossary authoring.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 803,
            "serviceName": "Dynamic Infrastructure and Operations OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "TECHNICAL_PREVIEW",
            "serviceURLMarker": "dino",
            "serviceDescription": "Explore and operate an open metadata ecosystem.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 801,
            "serviceName": "Repository Explorer OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "TECHNICAL_PREVIEW",
            "serviceURLMarker": "rex",
            "serviceDescription": "Explore open metadata instances.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 806,
            "serviceName": "Glossary Manager OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "IN_DEVELOPMENT",
            "serviceURLMarker": "glossary-manager",
            "serviceDescription": "Create glossary terms and organize them into categories as part of a controlled workflow process. It supports the editing glossary and multiple states.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 807,
            "serviceName": "My Profile OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "IN_DEVELOPMENT",
            "serviceURLMarker": "my-profile",
            "serviceDescription": "Manage information about the logged on user as well as their preferences.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 802,
            "serviceName": "Type Explorer OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "TECHNICAL_PREVIEW",
            "serviceURLMarker": "tex",
            "serviceDescription": "Explore the open metadata types in a repository or cohort.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 804,
            "serviceName": "Server Author OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "IN_DEVELOPMENT",
            "serviceURLMarker": "server-author",
            "serviceDescription": "Author server configuration.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 805,
            "serviceName": "Glossary Browser OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "IN_DEVELOPMENT",
            "serviceURLMarker": "glossary-browser",
            "serviceDescription": "View glossary terms and categories within a glossary.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 808,
            "serviceName": "Asset Catalog OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "IN_DEVELOPMENT",
            "serviceURLMarker": "asset-catalog",
            "serviceDescription": "Search and understand your assets.",
            "serviceWiki": ""

The values returned for each registered view service are:

Property Use
serviceId Unique identifier of the service.
serviceName Name of the service, used in messages and documentation.
serviceDevelopmentStatus Describes the relative maturity of the view service.
serviceURLMarker Returns the unique name for the view service used in REST API URLs to identify a particular view service.
serviceDescription Returns a short description of the view service to help you choose which ones you want.
serviceWiki Link to the documentation for the view service.

To activate a specific view service in a view server, add an entry for the view service to the view server's configuration document. View services can be configured into a view server either altogether or individually.

A specific view service can be individually configured with the following command. Listing the registered view services is a good way to discover the serviceURLMarker values used when configuring individual view services.

POST - configure a specific view service


The request body must contain a ViewServiceRequestBody object, while the serviceURLMarker can be found by listing the registered view services.

It is also possible to configurate a set of view services at the same time, using the following command:

POST - configure multiple view services


Again the request body must contain a ViewServiceRequestBody object. This object is used to configure each of the registered view services.

The ViewServiceRequestBody used on either of these requests contains 4 pieces of information:

  • omagServerName - the name of the metadata access server that is to provide the metadata services to the view service.
  • omagServerPlatformRootURL - platform URL root where the metadata access server is running.
  • viewServiceOptions - optional list of specific options used to configure the behaviour of the view service.
  • resourceEndpoints - a list of ResourceEndpointConfig objects. These objects are used to configure dropdowns on calling user interfaces used to select a specific OMAG Server Platform or OMAG Server that the UI is to connect to. The aim is to control which platforms and servers can be selected.

A resource endpoint describing a platform contains the following properties:

Property Use
resourceCategory required property, set to "Platform".
platformName required property, a unique name given to a "Platform" resource.
platformURLRoot required property, the URL root used to call the "Platform" resource.
description optional property that is displayed by some view services.

A resource endpoint describing an OMAG Server has the following properties:

Property Use
resourceCategory required property, set to "Server"
platformName required property, a reference to a named "Platform" resource endpoint describing where the "Server" resource is located.
serverName required property, set to the name of the OMAG Server.
serverInstanceName required property, a unique name for the combination of server and platform.
description optional property describing the server.
Example ViewServiceRequestBody
    "resourceEndpoints" : [
            "class"              : "ResourceEndpointConfig",
            "resourceCategory"   : "Platform",
            "platformName"       : "Platform:9443",
            "platformRootURL"    : "http://localhost:9443",
            "description"        : "This is the default OMAG Server Platform."
            "class"              : "ResourceEndpointConfig",
            "resourceCategory"   : "Server",
            "platformName"       : "Platform:9443",
            "serverInstanceName" : "Active Metadata Access Store",
            "serverName"         : "active-metadata-store",
            "description"        : "Metadata server with XTDB repository and supporting Apache Kafka notifications."
            "class"              : "ResourceEndpointConfig",
            "resourceCategory"   : "Server",
            "platformName"       : "Platform:9443",
            "serverInstanceName" : "Simple Metadata Access Store",
            "serverName"         : "simple-metadata-store",
            "description"        : "Metadata server with in-memory repository and no event notifications."
            "class"              : "ResourceEndpointConfig",
            "resourceCategory"   : "Server",
            "platformName"       : "Platform:9443",
            "serverInstanceName" : "Integration Daemon",
            "serverName"         : "integration-daemon",
            "description"        : "Integration daemon supporting the synchronization of metadata with thrid party platfrms and tools."
            "class"              : "ResourceEndpointConfig",
            "resourceCategory"   : "Server",
            "platformName"       : "Platform:9443",
            "serverInstanceName" : "Engine Host",
            "serverName"         : "engine-host",
            "description"        : "Engine host server running the AssetSurvey and Asset Governance governance engines."
            "class"              : "ResourceEndpointConfig",
            "resourceCategory"   : "Server",
            "platformName"       : "Platform:9443",
            "serverInstanceName" : "View Server",
            "serverName"         : "view-server",
            "description"        : "View server providing REST API support to user interfaces and non-Java environments."

It is possible to list the configured view services for a view Server using the following command:

GET - list configured view services

Response from listing configured view services

The response will be a RegisteredOMAGServicesResponse which contains a list of RegisteredOMAGService objects, that will look something like the following:

    "class": "RegisteredOMAGServicesResponse",
    "relatedHTTPCode": 200,
    "services": [
            "serviceId": 800,
            "serviceName": "Glossary Author OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "IN_DEVELOPMENT",
            "serviceURLMarker": "glossary-author",
            "serviceDescription": "View Service for glossary authoring.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 803,
            "serviceName": "Dynamic Infrastructure and Operations OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "TECHNICAL_PREVIEW",
            "serviceURLMarker": "dino",
            "serviceDescription": "Explore and operate an open metadata ecosystem.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 801,
            "serviceName": "Repository Explorer OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "TECHNICAL_PREVIEW",
            "serviceURLMarker": "rex",
            "serviceDescription": "Explore open metadata instances.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 806,
            "serviceName": "Glossary Manager OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "IN_DEVELOPMENT",
            "serviceURLMarker": "glossary-manager",
            "serviceDescription": "Create glossary terms and organize them into categories as part of a controlled workflow process. It supports the editing glossary and multiple states.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 807,
            "serviceName": "My Profile OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "IN_DEVELOPMENT",
            "serviceURLMarker": "my-profile",
            "serviceDescription": "Manage information about the logged on user as well as their preferences.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 802,
            "serviceName": "Type Explorer OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "TECHNICAL_PREVIEW",
            "serviceURLMarker": "tex",
            "serviceDescription": "Explore the open metadata types in a repository or cohort.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 804,
            "serviceName": "Server Author OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "IN_DEVELOPMENT",
            "serviceURLMarker": "server-author",
            "serviceDescription": "Author server configuration.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 805,
            "serviceName": "Glossary Browser OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "IN_DEVELOPMENT",
            "serviceURLMarker": "glossary-browser",
            "serviceDescription": "View glossary terms and categories within a glossary.",
            "serviceWiki": ""
            "serviceId": 808,
            "serviceName": "Asset Catalog OMVS",
            "serviceDevelopmentStatus": "IN_DEVELOPMENT",
            "serviceURLMarker": "asset-catalog",
            "serviceDescription": "Search and understand your assets.",
            "serviceWiki": ""

It is also possible to retrieve the full configuration for the view services. This contains the additional information provided by the platform.

GET - retrieve a specific view service's configuration


The response will be a ViewServiceConfigResponse containing a ViewServiceConfig object.

GET - retrieve current configuration for all configured view services


This will return a ViewServicesResponse which will contain a list of ViewServiceConfig objects.

The structure of the ViewServiceConfig object is illustrated below:

Configuration document contents for a view service

Finally, view service configuration can easily be removed from a server configuration document.

A specific view service can be individually cleared with the following command. This will remove the view service's configuration from the server.

DELETE - remove configuration for a specific view service


The serviceURLMarker can be found by listing the registered view services.

All the view services configured on a server can be cleared with the following command:

DELETE - remove configured view services


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