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Develop a Connector

To write an open connector you need to complete four steps:

  1. Identify the properties for the connection.
  2. Write the connector provider.
  3. Understand the interface that the connector needs to implement and the support provided by its base class.
  4. Write the connector itself.

All the code you write to implement these should exist in its own module, and as illustrated by the examples could even be in its own independent code repository. Their implementation will have dependencies on Egeria's:

No dependency on Egeria's OMAG Server Platform

Note that there is no dependency on Egeria's OMAG Server Platform for these specific connector implementations: they could run in another runtime that supported the connector APIs. In fact, even the Egeria interface modules should not be embedded in your jar file to allow your connector to run on any version of the OMAG Server Platform that supports your connector.

Identify connection properties

Begin by identifying and designing the properties needed to connect to your tool or system. These will commonly include a network address, protocol, and user credentials, but could also include other information that can be stored in the configuration properties of the connection.

Code the connector provider

Example: connector provider for IBM DataStage

For example, the DataStageConnectorProvider is used to instantiate connectors to IBM DataStage data processing engines. Therefore, its name and description refer to DataStage, and the connectors it instantiates are DataStageConnectors .

Example: connector provider for IBM Information Governance Catalog

Similarly, the IGCOMRSRepositoryConnectorProvider is used to instantiate connectors to IBM Information Governance Catalog (IGC) metadata repositories. In contrast to the DataStageConnectorProvider, the IGCOMRSRepositoryConnectorProvider's name and description refer to IGC, and the connectors it instantiates are IGCOMRSRepositoryConnectors .

Connectors implement Egeria interfaces, not vice versa

Note that the code of all of these connector implementations exists outside Egeria itself (in separate code repositories), and there are no direct dependencies within Egeria on these external repositories or connectors.

All connectors can be configured with the network address and credential information needed to access the underlying tool or system. Therefore, you do not need to explicitly list properties for such basic details. However, the names of any additional configuration properties that may be useful to a specific type of connector can be described through the recognizedConfigurationProperties of the connector type.

Implementation pattern

From the two examples (DataStageConnectorProvider and IGCOMRSRepositoryConnectorProvider ), you will see that writing a connector provider follows a simple pattern:

  • Extend a connector provider base class specific to your connector's interface.
  • Define static final class members for the GUID, name, description and the names of any additional configuration properties.
  • Write a single public constructor, with no parameters, that:
    • Calls super.setConnectorClassName() with the name of your connector class.
    • Creates a new ConnectorType object, sets it characteristics to the static final class members, and uses .setConnectorProviderClassName() to set the name of the connector provider class itself.
    • (Optional) Creates a list of additional configuration properties from the static final class members, and uses .setRecognizedConfigurationProperties() to add these to the connector type.
    • Sets super.connectorTypeBean = connectorType.

Understand the connector interface

Now that you have the connector provider to instantiate your connector, you need to understand what your connector actually needs to do. For a service to use your connector, the connector must provide a set of methods that are relevant to that service.

Example: integration daemon connector interface

For example, the integration connector integrate metadata from third party technologies with Egeria.

Example: OMRS repository connector interface

Likewise, we want our IGCOMRSRepositoryConnector to integrate IGC with Egeria as a metadata repository. Therefore, the connector needs to extend OMRSRepositoryConnector , because this defines the methods needed to integrate with Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS).

How would you know to extend these base classes? The connector provider implementations in the previous step each extended a base class specific to the type of connector they provide (IntegrationConnectorProvider and OMRSRepositoryConnectorProviderBase ). These connector base classes (IntegrationConnectorBase and OMRSRepositoryConnector ) are in the same package structure as those connector provider base classes.

By extending the abstract classes (IntegrationConnectorBase and OMRSRepositoryConnector ) your connector must implement the methods these abstract classes define. These general methods implement your services (open integration framework and OMRS), without needing to know anything about the underlying technology. Therefore, you can simply "plug-in" the underlying technology: any technology with a connector that implements these methods can run your service. Furthermore, each technology-specific connector can decide how best to implement those methods for itself.

Code the connector itself

Which brings you to writing the connector itself. Now that you understand the interface your connector must provide, you need to implement the methods defined by that interface.

Implement the connector by:

  1. Retrieving connection information provided by the configuration. The default method for initialize() saves the connection object used to create the connector. If your connector needs to override the initialize() method, it should call super.initialize() to capture the connection properties for the base classes.
  2. Implementing the start() method, where the main logic for your connector runs. Use the configuration details from the connection object to connect to your underlying technology. If the connector is long-running, this may be the time to start up a separate thread. However, this has to conform the rules laid down for the category of connector you are implementing.
  3. Using pre-existing, technology-specific clients and APIs to talk to your underlying technology.
  4. Translating the underlying technology's representation of information into the open metadata representation used by the connector interface itself.

For the first point, you can retrieve general connection information like:

  • the server address and protocol, by first retrieving the embedded EndpointProperties with getEndpoint():
    • retrieving the protocol by calling getProtocol() on the EndpointProperties
    • retrieving the address by calling getAddress() on the EndpointProperties
  • the user Id, by calling getUserId() on the ConnectionProperties
  • the password, by calling either getClearPassword() or getEncryptedPassword() on the ConnectionProperties, depending on what your underlying technology can handle

Use these details to connect to and authenticate against your underlying technology, even when it is running on a different system from the connector itself. Of course, check for null objects (like the EndpointProperties) as well before blindly operating on them.

Retrieve additional properties by:

  • calling getConfigurationProperties() on the ConnectionProperties, which returns a Map<String, Object>
  • calling get(name) against that Map<> with the name of each additional property of interest

Implementation of the remaining points (2-3) will vary widely depending on the specific technology being used. See the examples previously linked to delve deeper.