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Technical preview

Technical preview function is in a state that it can be tried. The development is complete, there is documentation and there are samples, tutorials and hands-on labs as appropriate.

The community is looking for feedback on the function before declaring it stable. This feedback may result in changes to the external interfaces.

Project Manager OMVS

The Project Manager Open Metadata View Services (OMVS) is a REST API designed to back user interfaces (UIs) that support projects.

Projects can be organized into a hierarchy and involve many people, or they can be informal, personal projects used by an individual to organize an aspect of their work. In either case, the people and resources necessary to complete the project can be identified. The project's definition includes the expected timeline and objective.

The Project Manager OMVS supports:

  • The definition of new projects, identifying their scope and timeline. New projects can be created using a project templates. The project templates can be created and maintained through the Project Manager OMVS.
  • The linking of related project together.
  • The classification of projects that are either a campaign, task or a personal project.
  • The appointment of a project team and project manager to the project (if applicable).
  • The identification of resources such as digital products and assets that are needed to complete the project.
  • The maintenance of project status, actions and meeting notes.

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