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Community Guide

This project welcomes contributors from any organization or background, provided they are willing to follow the simple processes outlined below, as well as adhere to the Code of Conduct .

Joining the community

Live discussions

We have weekly community meeting to which all are welcome. We cover demos, releases, meetups and other activities going on in the community. These calls run January to June, September to November. July, August and December are popular vacation times, and so we stop the calls while the attendance is low.

Asynchronous dialog

Egeria uses the LF AI & Data Slack community to provide an ongoing dialogue between members. This creates a recorded discussion of design decisions and discussions that complement the project meetings.

Follow the link above and register with the LF AI & Data Slack service using your email address. Once signed in you can see all the active Slack channels.

The main Slack channel for the Egeria project is called #egeria-discussion

We use #egeria-announce for meetings and release announcements. Additional channels are added from time to time as new workgroups and discussion topics are established. For Egeria these channel names will begin with #egeria. You can also view Slack channels from other LF AI & Data projects.

More information about Slack?

Slack is an instant messaging tool that allows multiple conversations to occur amongst the community members at any one time. Each conversation is called a channel. Channels can be set up for a specific event or have a long-term existence.

Mailing list

The community tends to use the mailing list only for automated meeting reminders. We are best contacted through Slack (above).

Other websites and resources

From time to time we screen webinars that are open to all. The aim of these webinars is to create in depth videos of a particular topic of interest. Past webinars are described on the webinars page.

Git repositories

The Egeria project uses GitHub to maintain its content across a number of repositories.

All of these repositories are publicly visible; however, if you want to contribute new content you need to create a GitHub account. This can be created from the top of the GitHub home page.

If you are not familiar with Git and GitHub, there is additional education in the Git and GitHub Tutorial.

Steps to contribute content to the project

Egeria uses GitHub's fork and pull model to create a contribution. This process is described in detail in the Git and GitHub tutorial.

Each change should have a GitHub issue explaining why the change is being made. The new or updated content should follow the Egeria developer guidelines.

Every contribution is signed to say that the contributor has the rights to make the contribution and agrees with the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO)

Creating a Linux Foundation account

The Linux Foundation provide build and distribution facilities. You need an account to access some build reports.

This is the link to create a Linux Foundation account . Note the username and password you selected.

Raise an issue or comment below