Try Egeria

Ready to run Egeria?

There are a number of options available to you:

Running Egeria natively on your local machine

The Getting Started with Egeria blog provides a step-by-step guide to building, installing, configuring and running Egeria on your machine.

Running Egeria in IntelliJ

See Setting up IntelliJ to develop components for Egeria.

Running Egeria in Kubernetes

  • There is a base helm chart that includes a single platform with a metadata server. This provides a simple way to experiment with Egeria's APIs and User Interfaces. Link to instructions for starting the base helm chart.

  • There is a lab helm chart that provides a more complex multi-platform environment that is integrated with a variety of third party technologies. This chart is designed to support the Open Metadata Labs which provide a rich set of demonstrations of many features of Egeria. The Open Metadata Labs are a good option if you would like a guided tour of Egeria. Link to instructions for starting the lab helm chart.