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0010 Base model

The base model is the starting point for the open metadata type model.


OpenMetadataRoot entity

OpenMetadataRoot is the root entity for all open metadata entity types.

Referenceable entity

Referenceable is the super type for many of the open metadata entity types. A Referenceable entity is something that is important enough to be assigned a unique (qualified) name within its type. This unique name is called the qualifiedName and may be set to the unique identifier value used outside the open metadata ecosystem. Alternatively, it is often set to a concatenation of an element's type name along with a number of its properties to create a unique string.

Referenceable also has provision for storing additional properties. This is a set of name-value pairs (i.e. a map) where the values are all strings.

Asset entity

An Asset is a metadata entity that describes a resource (either physical or digital) that is of value and so needs to be managed and governed. Infrastructure, Process, DataStore, DataFeed, DeployedAPI, DataSet and RunnableSoftwareComponent are subtypes of Assets.

Asset is a subtype of Referenceable. It adds three attributes to the Referenceable type:

  • name is the identifier of the asset. It relates to the name of the resource.
  • versionIdentifier extends the name with a version identifier. For example, a process may create a new file every month containing the sales figures for that month. In this case, the name could be "MonthlySalesFigures.csv" and the versionIdentifier could be "july2022". The name and versionIdentifier are useful values for constructing the qualifiedName.
  • description provides a description of the resource.
Deprecated attributes

The Asset entity has the following deprecated attributes. Their values have been moved to classifications as shown in the table below. Many Assets are created by their hosting technology and locked read-only to the broader metadata ecosystem (see external metadata provenance for more detail). By moving the governance related information to a classification, it can be maintained by a different service to the Asset's creator.

Deprecated attribute Moved to classification
owner (type string) Ownership
ownerType (type AssetOwnerType enum) Ownership
zoneMembership (type array<string>) AssetZoneMembership
latestChange (type string) LatestChange

The values set in an Asset entity tend to be focused around the implementation of the resource. The SupplementaryProperties relationship allows a more business-oriented description to be attached.

More information on assets can be found in the Metadata Manager overview.

Infrastructure entity

Infrastructure represents both the physical and digital assets that the organization runs its business on. ITInfrastructure is a subtype of Infrastructure describing Information Technology (IT) infrastructure that runs IT services. There is more information on the different types of ITInfrastructure in:

The deployedImplementationType attribute describes the class of technology that the infrastructure asset belongs to. Values for this attribute can be managed for consistency in a deployed implementation type valid value set.

Process entity

Process describes a well-defined set of processing steps and decisions that drive a particular aspect of the organization's business. Most processes are automated with software (see DeployedSoftwareComponent) but they may also be a manual procedure. An automated process can be invoked from a remote server through a DeployedAPI.

Processes have an advanced lifecycle. They can have the following instance statuses.

  • Draft
  • Proposed
  • Approved
  • Active
  • Deleted

The formula attribute can describe its behaviour, formulaType describes the notation language used to describe the formula.

DataAsset entity

The DataAsset entity described a collection of data. The deployedImplementationType defines the technology that holds this data. Area 2 provides more detail on the different types of data assets. Values for the deployedImplementationType attribute can be managed for consistency in a deployed implementation type valid value set.

SampleData relationship

The SampleData relationship links an Asset entity describing a collection of sample data that originates from the resource represented by the Referenceable entity.

Anchors classification

The Anchors classification is used internally by the open metadata ecosystem to optimize the lookup of the entity at the root of a cluster of elements that represents a larger object. Currently, there is support for objects uniquely "owned" by an entity to store the GUID of that entity along with its type and domain.

  • anchorGUID - unique identifier of the anchor.
  • anchorTypeName - type name of the anchor.
  • anchorDomainName - type name of the anchor's domain. This is the super type of the anchor that is one level below Referenceable. For example, if the anchor is of type DataSet, then the domain is Asset. If the anchor does not inherit from Referenceable, then the type of the anchor is used.

Further information on the use of Anchors

Memento classification

Finally, the Memento classification identifies that the Referenceable entity it is attached to, refers to a real-world asset/artifact that has either been deleted or archived offline. The entity has been retained to show its role in the lineage of other assets/artifacts. The properties in this classification identifies the archive processing and any information that helps to locate the asset/artifact in the archive (if applicable).

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