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Release 4.0 (March 2023)

Special note on Java support

Java 17 is now required to build and run Egeria.

The build is now driven by Gradle

Gradle is now used as the build tool, replacing maven.

We make use of the gradle wrapper which means there is no need to explicitly install Gradle.

A build can be started by running ./gradlew build from the root of the repository.

Your connectors and applications can continue use Gradle, or you can continue to use Maven. Our artefacts are still available via maven central.

A BOM (Bill of Materials) is now available for use in your own projects. This makes it easier to align dependencies with those of egeria. To make use of the BOM you can use the following in gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation platform('org.odpi.egeria:bom:4.0.0')

A similar approach can be used with maven:

The previous support to build a 'lightweight platform' can now be performed in gradle using:
./gradlew build -PadminChassisOnly

The build also now benefits from improved checks to avoid conflicting capabilities & ensure accurate dependencies.

Repository Connector Authors - Note change in InstanceType

A number of fields have been removed from the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS)'s InstanceType in order to improve the marshalling/unmarshalling performance of open metadata instances. If your connector has its own methods for populating this element then please amend to remove these obsolete fields. OpenMetadata Instance Structure

Integration Connector Authors - Note change in Java packages and build dependencies

Version 4.0 adds the Open Integration Framework (OIF) to provide the interfaces for an integration connector. They were originally implemented partly in the integration daemon services and the administration services. The introduction of the OIF creates a cleaner interface for integration connectors. However, it does have an impact on existing integration connectors:

  • The build script for the connector needs to include the OIF as a dependency (replacing the integration-daemon-services-api module).

    • For example, for Gradle use: compileOnly ':open-metadata-implementation:frameworks:open-integration-framework' with the egeria.git repository and compileOnly 'org.odpi.egeria:openlineage-integration-connectors' for connectors in other repositories.
  • The package names for the integration connector interfaces change from org.odpi.openmetadata.governanceservers.integrationdaemonservices.connectors to org.odpi.openmetadata.frameworks.integration.connectors.

Open Metadata Types
  • New attributes have been added to the CollectionMembership relationship type to allow the confidence and provenance of a member's inclusion in the collection to be documented. This is used where collections are being generated from automated processes.
  • New attributes have been added to the ActionTarget relationship type to allow the status of each element to be acted upon to be managed. This is important where the actor has to perform work on multiple elements since it allows progress to be recorded.
  • A new DataSet entity type called DataFileCollection has been added to capture an asset that is a collection of files, not necessarily co-located.
  • A new DataSet entity type called TableDataSet has been added to capture an asset that is a database table. This is useful for database tables in a large database that contains useful reference values.
  • A new Asset entity type called DeployedReportType has been added to capture an asset that is a report template.
  • New attributes have been added to the GovernanceActionProcessStepExecutor relationship type to allow the filtering and mapping of request parameters and action targets before calling a governance action.
  • A new attribute called incidentClassifierCategory has been added to the IncidentClassifierSet classification type to allow different names classifiers to be defined.
  • The AgreementActor relationship is now multi-link.
  • A new relationship called InformationSupplyChainLink has been added to show the relationships between the information supply chain segments and the logical sources and destinations of an information supply chain.
  • Entity types IntegrationGroup and IntegrationConnector plus new relationship types RegisteredIntegrationConnector and CatalogTarget are featured in a new model 0464. This model also adds the types for integration reports.
  • The ControlledGlossaryTerm has a new userDefinedStatus attribute plus the list of valid instance statuses has been extended to include PROPOSED, REJECTED, DEPRECATED and OTHER.
  • A fix has been added to the open metadata archive helper to ensure that the valid instance statuses for a new type are inherited from its super type. The new type may make any changes to the list of valid instance statuses. Note: This is a one-time inheritance. If the super type's valid instance statuses are subsequently extended, the subclasses are not automatically updated.
Integration Groups

In this release we have added the ability to dynamically configure an integration daemon using integration groups. This enables new integration connectors to be deployed to the integration daemon without needing to restart it.

Removal of Analytics Modeling OMAS

The deprecated Analytics Modeling OMAS has been removed from the code. The Analytic Integrator OMIS now works with the Data Science OMAS.

Helm Chart versions

These charts may get updated more frequently than Egeria code releases, as we integrate other components and fix bugs. Some components may be more recent than listed below. You can always check the latest with helm repo update && helm search repo egeria

Note that the Business UI remains at an older version, as the code is currently undergoing some refactoring.

To see known issues/upcoming work or to report issues see egeria-charts

Tested environments

The Egeria charts have been tested in:

  • Rancher Desktop v1.8.1 / Kubernetes v1.26.3
  • Red Hat Openshift 4.12
Lab Chart for 4.0

The Egeria lab chart 4.0 has been updated to include:

  • Egeria 4.0
  • Egeria Ecosystem UI 3.10.0
  • Egeria Business UI 4.1.2
  • Strimzi 0.34.0 with Kafka 3.4.0
  • Jupyter Notebook v3.5.2
Base Chart for 3.15

The Egeria base chart 3.15.0 has been updated to include:

  • Egeria 4.0
  • Egeria Ecosystem UI 3.10.0
  • Strimzi 0.34.0 with Kafka 3.4.0
CTS & PTS Charts for 3.15
  • Egeria 4.0
  • Strimzi 0.34.0 with Kafka 3.4.0
Bug fixes and other updates

For details on core Egeria changes, see the GitHub release note for 4.0 and the full commit history in GitHub .

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