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3 14

Release 3.14 (December 2022)

Open Metadata Types
  • The APIOperation is reestablished as an active TypeDef with the correct super type of SchemaType- this corrects the invalid update in V2.11.
  • A new attribute called serviceRequestType has been added to the SupportedGovernanceService relationship type to Allow a mapping from a governance engine request type to a request type supported by a governance service.
Known Issues

This section highlights any significant issues to be aware of. Refer to our GitHub Issues for a full list of open issues or to open a new one.

Use chromium-based or Safari browser for UIs

It is recommended to use a chromium-based browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Apple Safari for the Egeria Ecosystem UI. Some parts of the UI experience such as Dino currently experience problems with Firefox. See odpi/egeria-react-ui#96 .

Ecosystem UI minor issues

We are continuing to develop the Ecosystem UI & improve it's capability and usability. These are not regressions in this release. Known issues include:

See odpi/egeria-react-ui for all issues or to open a new one on this UI.

Egeria UI issues

See odpi/egeria-ui for all issues or to open new one for Egeria UI.

Documentation Link errors

We are aware of broken links in the documentation here, as well as broken links to the documentation contained within the Egeria code - for example links to component information.

We are trying to fix these as we update the docs, but please raise any additional problems found in egeria-docs. We would also be very grateful for any PRs that fix issues.

Helm Chart versions

These charts may get updated more frequently than Egeria code releases, as we integrate other components and fix bugs. You can always check the latest with helm repo update && helm search repo egeria

Note that the Business UI remains at an older version, as the code is currently undergoing some refactoring.

To see known issues/upcoming work or to report issues see egeria-charts

Tested environments

The Egeria charts have been tested in:

  • Rancher Desktop v1.6.2
  • Kubernetes v1.25
Lab Chart for 3.14

The Egeria lab chart 3.14.0 has been updated to include:

  • Egeria 3.14
  • Egeria Ecosystem UI 3.8.0
  • Egeria Business UI 3.2.2
  • Strimzi 0.32.0 with Kafka 3.3.1
  • Jupyter Notebook v3.5.0
Base Chart for 3.14

The Egeria base chart 3.14.0 has been updated to include:

  • Egeria 3.14
  • Egeria Ecosystem UI 3.8.0
  • Strimzi 0.32.0 with Kafka 3.3.1
CTS & PTS Charts for 3.14
  • Egeria 3.14
  • Strimzi 0.32.0 with Kafka 3.3.1
Bug fixes and other updates

For details on core Egeria changes, see the GitHub release note for 3.14 and the full commit history in GitHub .

Raise an issue or comment below